Is it Safe to Use Cloud-Based Hosting?

Cloud-based hosting for data is happening at record rates, and there’s no sign that this trend is going to change anytime soon. Business owners and office managers worry that storage and business processes hosted on the cloud may be at higher risk from hacking, malware, and ransomware, but for some businesses, cloud-based hosting may actually …

10 Steps to Make Implementing Business Communication Tools Easier

Most office managers and company owners have been down the long, frustrating road of introducing a new business communication tool that promises to improve inter-departmental productivity and collaboration. Then, employees don’t use it.  When you’ve invested the time and money to find the right communication software and collaboration tools for your business, this can be …

Microsoft Office 365 VS Microsoft Azure – What’s the Difference?

In the past few years, products for business like Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Azure have gotten a lot of attention, and they’re definitively being used by more companies of all sizes each year. If you’re not in the information technology (IT) field, you may not really know what these products are and what they …

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